A vehicle verifier is an individual who is licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles to perform vehicle VIN verifications for both businesses and the public.
However, they are not employees of the DMV. These professionals are authorized to complete the DMV form REG 31, which is the Verification of Vehicle ID form.
No. You have options. But if you want mobile service, a Licensed Vehicle Verifier is your only choice that we know of. The CA DMV can verify your vehicle if you bring it to them. For some, that is impossible and that is why they rely on mobile vehicle verifiers.
Getvinverification.com does not have employees. It is a website that connects you to independently licensed vehicle verifiers who have been pre-screened by the CA DMV and have proven their dedication to their profession and have several years experience verifying VINS for the CA DMV.
Many individuals are required by the California DMV to have their vehicles verified for various reasons, which can be inconvenient and add to their daily tasks. Hiring a licensed mobile vehicle verifier to come to your location can significantly reduce the number of appointments or time spent at the DMV.
We connect you to licensed vehicle verifiers who are authorized by the California DMV, and we are here to help make your experience easier.
Our partners will travel to any location within their service area to conduct the DMV vin verification and complete the DMV form REG 31.
Select your region and pick a verifier.
PLEASE NOTE: Our list of verifiers is limited but more will be added as time goes on.
Companies listed are their own independent vin verification service provider, see their website for details.
Southern California Vehicle Verifiers
Central Valley Vehicle Verifiers
Sacramento County Vehicle Verifier
Miscellaneous Counties (Placer, Yolo, Solano, Etc)
If they are listed on getvinverification.com and you had a bad experience please let us know by e-mailing support@getvinverification.com.
Copyright © 2023-2025 Get Vin Verification - All rights reserved.
This is a website that connects you to a California Licensed Vehicle Verifier.
Vehicle Verifiers are licensed by the CA DMV but they are not the CA DMV. getvinverification.com does not contain or provide legal advice and encourages you to visit the DMV's website at dmv.ca.gov to learn about all vehicle registration requirements and for more complete information. You are not obligated to hire a licensed vehicle verifier.