Need a vehicle verified for the DMV in Carmichael, CA.?
For all businesses and people:
Get Vin Verification is mobile to your location and is the quickest way to verify your vehicle for the DMV in Sacramento County.
A Licensed Vehicle Verifier will travel to you and complete the DMV form REG 31.
All Vehicle Types Verified (Except: Salvaged, Direct Imports, or Armored):
You must have at least 1 Supporting Document such as a:
1.Title. 2.Registration Card. 3.Certificate of Origen (MCO/MSO)
Vehicles 1970 and Newer must have the US Federal Certification Label affixed to the drivers side door or door jamb area. Trailers and Motorcycles will have a different location, OHV's are exempt.
See the REQUIREMENTS page for more or Contact Us to ask a question.
Get Vin Verified in Carmichael, CA.
Copyright © 2023-2025 Get Vin Verification - All rights reserved.
This is a website that connects you to a California Licensed Vehicle Verifier.
Vehicle Verifiers are licensed by the CA DMV but they are not the CA DMV. does not contain or provide legal advice and encourages you to visit the DMV's website at to learn about all vehicle registration requirements and for more complete information. You are not obligated to hire a licensed vehicle verifier.